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4 EASY Steps to Start a Food Blog in South Africa (And Make Money)

Last updated on October 28th, 2022 at 12:00 pm

In this guide, I will show you how to start a food blog in South Africa. You will find all the tools and resources you need to run a successful blog.

If you are an enthusiastic cook, why not start your own food blog? 

There are many benefits to starting a food blog in South Africa, such as the ability to share recipes and experiences with others, make money by selling your recipes online, and having more control over what you post. 

At the same time, if you are not interested in cooking, but still have an interest in food, why not start a blog about your favorite restaurants? 

Your blog would be a great way to share reviews and attracts more readers.

Here’s how to start a food truck in South Africa

How Does an Online Food Blog Work?

An online food blog is a web-based publication that publishes news, information, reviews, and commentary about food. 

Typically, such blogs are operated by professional chefs or amateur cooks who have an interest in cooking, food culture, and culinary arts.

A blog’s primary purpose is to share their thoughts on the world of food with other people who might be interested in what they have to say. 

Blogs are often used as a platform for professionals to showcase their work and connect with potential customers.

The content may include recipes, photos of dishes prepared or dishes eaten in restaurants around the world, or even ingredients used in recipes. Blogs also often feature written interviews with chefs or other experts in the field of cooking and cuisine.

As mentioned, online food blogs are usually operated by professional chefs, amateur cooks, or food enthusiasts. 

In fact, sites like “The Kitchn” and “Taste Buds” specialize in the cooking of contemporary American cuisine while the award-winning blog “How Sweet It Is” has created a following with its recipes and interviews on the lives of authors. 

The Best Ways to Start an Online Food Blog Today & How You Can Make Money from it!

You might be wondering if you should start a food blog in South Africa or not. As a matter of fact, the answer is yes! But before you start, there are some steps that you must take to ensure that your online food blog will succeed.

1). Research

The first step to start a food blog in South Africa is to do research on what kind of content people want to see on your blog. This will help you decide what type of content you should focus on and also help with your marketing strategy for the future.

To help with your research, you need first to pick a niche.

What is a blog niche?

A blog niche is something you can write about, in which you have an interest or expertise, and with which you have knowledge or experience. It could be anything from technology to fashion, cooking to travel, politics to business, etc.

Some examples of popular blog niches include:

  • Beauty blogs
  • Travel blogs
  • Fitness blogs
  • Parenting blogs

But now, since you already know you are starting a food blog in South Africa, your niche is Food! That should be easy.

So, the next step in the research is identifying a sub niche within the Food industry that you would love to focus on.

See, food is a huge industry. There are other sub-industries within the food industry. Your goal now is to identify which one.

But why?

Choosing a blog niche is important for a number of reasons. It helps to establish your credibility and authority in the niche and also provides an opportunity for you to expand on the niche.

The most important reason is that it establishes your authority in the niche. If you are able to establish yourself as an expert in a certain niche, it will help you to increase your traffic, which will lead to more revenue.

Another reason is that it helps you expand on the topic. If you are able to create content on a topic that goes beyond what other people are writing about, this will help improve your search engine rankings and make sure that people know who you are when they search for information related to your blog.

Food Blog Sub Niches

With that said, here are some of the popular food blog sub-niches:

  • Recipes
  • Restaurant and food product reviews
  • Family meal planning
  • Family meals
  • Wines and champagne
  • Exotic cuisine
  • Home recipes
  • Cooking
  • Baking
  • Veganism
  • Coffee
  • Quick meals

Questions to Ask Yourself When you Start a Food Blog

The questions in this section are meant to help you think about what your food blog will be like and how you want it to be. Think about the following questions:

  • What do you want your blog to be about?
  • What are your goals for the blog?
  • How will you make money from the blog?
  • How will you make sure it’s sustainable?

A good way to guarantee your success is to find a niche in the market and target it specifically. Before you start your food blog in South Africa, you should make sure that you have an understanding of your brand’s values and target customers.

2). Setup

The second step to start a food blog in South Africa is to set up your website and social media accounts. This includes setting up a business name, registering a domain name, and creating social media accounts for your blog (Facebook page, Twitter account, Instagram account).

a). Buy a domain name

You will need a domain name for your food blog in South Africa.

There are many different types of domain names you can use to start your blog. If you are looking for a short and catchy name, then you may want to buy a domain name with your keyword in it.

b). Choose a hosting provider

When you have a domain name, the next thing you need to do is get hosting. Hosting is the service that allows your website to be accessed by others.

There are many different hosting providers out there and they all have their own benefits and drawbacks. You should choose the hosting provider that best suits your needs and budget.

c). Pick a blogging platform

Once you have a domain and hosting, you need to choose a blogging platform.

Yes, Blogging is a great way to express yourself. It allows you to share your thoughts and ideas with the world. The choice of blogging platform will depend on your budget, content needs, and personal preferences.

There are many different platforms that you can choose from when it comes to blogging. Many of them are free while others can cost up to $100 per month.

Some platforms focus on specific types of content while others allow you to create anything that you want.

  • WordPress: The most popular platform for blogs today is WordPress. It has over 60% market share and features a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for beginners to use the platform without any technical knowledge or coding skills needed. However, it does have its downsides such as limited customization options and the fact that it cannot be used on mobile phones.
  • Medium: Medium is a free social publishing platform that features a unique interface, unlimited content, and an open network. There are also no ads in the content and you can monetize your blog through paid subscriptions or share it as long as you want without any restrictions. It’s popular with startups because of its ability to scale quickly and grow without any limits.
  • Blogger is another platform that allows you to go with the default template or create your own custom design. It’s a great option for those who are not sure what they want out of their blog and want an easy-to-use platform that can grow into more than just a blog. It does have ads on the side, but you can remove them if you want to remove the ads.

Why is WordPress the best blogging platform?

WordPress is the most popular blogging platform in the world and it has a lot of benefits that you would not want to miss.

This CMS has a vast collection of themes, plugins, and widgets that can help you create any type of website. It also comes with a free hosting service that allows you to have your blog up and running in no time.

In fact, there are millions of WordPress blogs out there and they are ranked on search engines like Google so you can find content easily.

WordPress is the best platform for bloggers because it offers them all the tools they need to build their blogs quickly and efficiently.

So, go ahead and install WordPress on your domain (if you don’t know how, ask your hosting provider to help).


If you register a domain with us and also get hosting (they are all affordable by the way), our support team will help set up your WordPress blog for free.

WordPress Themes and Plugins

Once you have installed WordPress to your domain, the next step is to install themes and plugins.

WordPress themes are pieces of software created by WordPress developers that can be installed on your WordPress website to change the look and feel of your site. Themes are usually made up of a number of elements such as header, footer, sidebars, widgets and menus.

Plugins are pieces of software that extend or enhance the functionality or features provided by WordPress itself. Plugins can be downloaded from the official WordPress plugin repository or from other third-party repositories.

3). Content Creation

The third step on how to start a food blog is content creation. This is where they share recipes, tips and tricks, and other things related to food.

Truth is, it can be a struggle for some bloggers because it takes a lot of time to write down all the ideas that come into their heads.

Before I show you how to solve that, let us back up a little bit.

What is content?

Content is a message or information that conveys a meaning. The content can be written, spoken, or presented in any form.

Content can be structured as text, audio, video, and more. Content is the most important part of any online marketing strategy because it defines the brand and its identity.

The goal of content marketing is to create and share valuable content that helps people solve problems, learn new skills and make better decisions.

This begs the question, how do you create valuable content your target audience will love?

How to create valuable content that helps people solve problems

The key to creating valuable content is to be able to identify the problem and provide a solution.

If you are not able to find the answer, it’s time for you to create your own content. The key is that you have a clear understanding of what your audience wants and needs. This is where the research you did earlier comes into play.

There are many ways of creating content that helps people solve problems, but it all starts with understanding their pain points and points of need.

Let’s take a look at how you can use content marketing to pinpoint the needs of your audience and create compelling, relevant content that helps them solve those problems.

a). Define your audience and their problems

The first step to creating content that helps people solve problems is understanding your audience and their needs. You can learn more about the audience you want to reach by asking your target market these questions:

  • What are the most common issues they struggle with?
  • What are the biggest pain points they have?
  • What are their biggest needs?
  • Who are the people they trust the most?
  • What are their professional journeys?
  • What are their goals and dreams for the future? How can you utilize content marketing to help them achieve those goals and dreams, especially in achieving those goals during a time of change or transition like a career change or significant life event like marriage, divorce, the birth of a child, adoption, etc?
  • What are their motivations? How can you use content marketing to fit into those motivations and give them the solutions they need?

b). Identify Effective Solutions

Now that you know what your target audience is struggling with, the next step to creating valuable content is identifying effective solutions.

The goal of effective content is to provide readers with the information they need in a way that is clear and concise.

Effective content is neither too short nor too long. It’s a balance between providing enough information and being concise. There are many ways to create effective content, but there are also some key factors you should consider when creating it.

c). Create content that helps your audience solve their problems

Finally, it’s time to sit down and put together the solutions to their problems. This could mean writing a blog post showing ways to solve a certain problem.

When it comes to writing a blog post, the first step is to identify the topic and keywords.

The first step in writing a blog post is identifying what you want to write about. This can be anything from your personal experience, advice on a certain topic, or even just an opinion piece. 

Once you have identified what you want to write about, you can start brainstorming ideas for your post.

Once you have come up with some ideas for your blog post, it’s time to begin writing the actual content of your article.

You need to make sure that everything flows well and that each point is presented in an easy-to-read manner. This includes using proper grammar and punctuation as well as making sure that all sentences are grammatically correct and understandable.

You may also want to include a brief introduction and conclusion to your article. It will help people understand the purpose of your blog post, as well as provide a sense of closure.

4). Promote

The fourth step in how to start a food blog is to promote your blog! This includes doing roundups of other bloggers in the food industry, sharing recipes on Pinterest and social media sites, attending events where food bloggers are present, and live-tweeting cooking shows.

Here are some of the best ways to promote a blog:

a). SEO

The best way to promote a blog in South Africa is to get traffic from organic searches. This is because, when someone searches for your blog, they are looking for information that you have posted about a specific topic.

The more popular topics you have written about and the more content you have published on your blog, the higher chance of getting traffic from organic search.

For this to happen, you need to do SEO.



Use keywords to get more traffic. This is a good way to get people to come back to your site and visit more often. 

You can also use keywords in the title of your posts or descriptions of your posts. This will help you rank better in search engines and will make it easier for people to find you.

b). Social Media

You can also promote your blog by promoting it on social media channels. This includes sharing articles on social media and asking people to follow your blog so they can stay updated with new posts. .

c). Build an Email List

Email marketing is a great way to promote your blog. It’s low cost and high return. You can also use it to build an email list of potential customers.

Email marketing is a great way to promote your blog, but it can be difficult to get started with. Email marketing platforms like Mail Chimp make the process easy, but they’re not the only option out there. In this article, we’ll cover some of the best ways you can use email marketing on your own website or blog without using a platform like Mail Chimp.

In order to build an email list, you need people’s emails first! There are many ways that you can do this:

  • Give away a product or service that people want in exchange for their email address
  • Ask for readers’ emails so you can send them a newsletter
  • Ask for emails to be able to attend an event
  • Offer a discount code in exchange for their email address

Once you have their email addresses, what do you do?

Build a relationship.

To do this, send them regular emails solving their problems. Avoid selling and pushing your products all the time.

How to Make Money With a Food Blog in South Africa

Now that I have shown you exactly how to start a food blog in South Africa, it is important to know that there are many ways to make money with your blog. 

It may not be easy, but it can be done.

Some of the ways you can monetize your blog are through affiliate marketing, advertising, sponsored content, and product reviews.

a). Affiliate Marketing

If you believe in a product or service and are knowledgeable about it, you can earn a commission by posting links to products that your blog readers might be interested in buying. 

If a reader is interested in the product they can click on the link and it will take them directly to the website where they can purchase that product.

b). Advertising

When you start your blog, you should have a plan to generate revenue from the blog. One way is by running ads on your site.

This can be done through Google AdSense and banner ads, which will give you an option to choose the amount of money you want to invest in advertising.

c). Sponsored Content

Websites and magazines are always looking for journalists with expertise in specific topics or just general interest in a particular industry. 

If you have a blog that discusses something specific, send an email to your target publishers and see if they are willing to sponsor your blog.

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