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10 Advertising Tactics that Work in 2024

Last updated on February 26th, 2024 at 08:24 am

There are many types of advertising tactics that are working today. They can be the best way for advertisers to get the attention of their target audience and sell their brand. In this blog, I’ll discuss 10+ methods of advertising tactics that were working well in 2022.

What is an advertising tactic?

Advertising is a form of marketing that uses paid or unpaid media to influence people to take specific actions. On the other hand, advertising tactics are the actions that marketing takes to create a sense of urgency and appeal to a product or service.

Advertising can be classified into two categories:

Why are advertising tactics important?

Advertising tactics are important because they help businesses to stand out in the market and gain more customers. They also help companies to create brand awareness and build trust among their potential customers.

In fact, an effective advertising campaign can be a powerful tool for increasing revenue and profit. In fact, it can even lead to the creation of new products or services through consumer insights. There are many different ways in which an advertisement is created and organized.

a). Attract customers

In order to engage a new, specific audience, some organizations may use advertising tactics. This can be effective because it can attract new customers and bring in more revenue.

b). Differentiate from the competition

Many brands and businesses are now starting to adopt unique and memorable advertising tactics. This is good because it makes them stand out from competitors. 

It is even better when customers think of these businesses first during purchase decisions, as this will help with retention rates.

c). Entice investors

Investors would like to partner with companies that have a proven record of success, are revenue-generating, and are somehow a bit less risky for their investment. 

This may help them make sure the company will continue to be profitable in the future.

10 Advertising Tactics

Here are some of the proven and tested advertising tactics you can adopt for your next campaign:

1). Print Ads

Print ads are advertisements that are printed on paper and distributed through the mail or delivered to customers. And it is an old advertising tactic that has stood the test of time

You can find these print ads in magazines, newspapers, catalogs, and other types of print media. They can also be distributed online.

In print advertising, the goal is to create a visual impact with an emotional message that will compel readers to purchase the product or service being advertised.

2). Digital Ads

The opposite of print ads.

Digital ads are a type of advertising that uses digital platforms like the internet and mobile apps. They are more targeted than traditional forms of advertising and can be found on websites, apps, social media, and more.

The most common form of digital ads uses text-based banners that appear in a website’s or app’s sidebar or in the footer. Other types of digital ads include video ads that appear within an app, social media posts with links to content on a website, or even sponsored posts within an app.

In fact, digital ads have become an important part of marketing strategy with their ability to reach audiences on different devices and platforms.

3). Social Media Ads

Then there is another advertising tactic, using social media ads.

Social media ads are paid advertisements that are published on social media platforms. These ads can be placed on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. They are also called native ads because they look like the content of the social media platform itself.

The most common type of social media ad is a sponsored post, which is an ad that is created by a brand and posted on a user’s timeline or in their feed. These posts usually contain links to products or services along with a call to action for users to buy those products or services.

The most popular types of native ads are promoted posts and branded stories. Promoted posts are created by brands and companies to promote their products or services without appearing as an ad in someone’s newsfeed or timeline. Branded stories are similar to promoted posts but instead have more creative content that can vary between written and visual media, such as a story about a user’s life or an interactive quiz.

At some point, you must have used Facebook ads in your business. That is an example of using social media ads.

4). Email Newsletters

Email marketing never gets old!


Because email newsletters are a great way to reach out to a targeted audience and stay in touch with them on a regular basis.

There are many companies that use email newsletters as their primary marketing strategies, such as Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, and more.

All you need is an email marketing tool like Mailchimp and a list of emails.

5). Cold Calling

Cold calling is a sales technique used in business to reach out to a potential customer without an existing relationship, usually with the goal of persuading them to purchase a product or service.

Unfortunately, cold calling is not something that all businesses can do well. It’s not always easy to get someone on the phone and it can be difficult for the caller to keep their conversation going.

To remedy this, cold callers use several techniques that might make the call more successful. 

These include using humor, making themselves sound like they know what they are talking about, and using empathy.

In the end, cold calling is an essential part of the advertising industry. It is a process that many advertisers have to go through in order to find the right potential customer.

6). Pay-Per-Click (PPC Ads)

PPC stands for “Pay-Per-Click” and this is an online advertising campaign tactic used to promote products or services on the internet.

In PPC, advertisers pay each time a visitor clicks on their ad. The advertiser pays only when someone actually does click on the ad and not just when someone views it.

PPC ads are usually used to promote products in eCommerce websites, but they can also be used to promote services such as restaurants or hotels.

7). Sponsorships

Sponsorship is an advertising tactic where the company pays to have their name, logo, or other brand presence displayed on the product or event that they are sponsoring.

Advertisers and marketers can use sponsorships as a way to build their brand and increase their reach. This is because when people see a sponsor’s name on an event or product, it gives them more credibility in that particular industry.

Sponsorships are also used to help companies grow by getting them exposure in new markets without having to invest in ad campaigns.

8). Testimonials and Reviews

Testimonials and reviews have become an important part of the marketing mix. They are a way for businesses to showcase their product or service on social media and also a way for consumers to decide if they want to buy from that business.

Some people argue that testimonials might be biased, but in general, positive reviews can help businesses get more customers while negative reviews can help businesses improve their products or service.

The use of reviews and testimonials is not just limited to online advertising. It is also used in print advertising, radio ads, TV commercials, billboards, and even direct mailers.

9). Referral Programs

A referral program is a business marketing tool and an advertising tactic that provides incentives for people to recommend your business to others. The goal of a referral program is to increase your brand awareness and drive more customers into your business.

You can set up a referral program in various ways, from an email campaign to a social media campaign. A referral program can also be used as part of an advertising campaign.

For example, if you are running a promotion with a limited time offer, you could ask people who like your Facebook page or follow you on Instagram to refer their friends and family in exchange for discounts or freebies.

This advertising tactic has become an effective way for businesses to market themselves through word-of-mouth referrals and social media referrals.

10). Live Streaming

Can you leverage live streams to market your business?

The answer is YES!

Live streaming has become a popular marketing tool for businesses. It is increasingly being used by advertisers to increase brand awareness and attract more customers.

In a nutshell, live streaming is a way of broadcasting your business on the internet, usually in real-time. This can be done through various platforms such as Facebook Live, YouTube Live, Periscope, and Twitch.

Some of the most popular uses of live streaming are to create awareness about new products or services; engage with current customers, or hold special events such as meet-and-greets or presentations.

Besides these advertising tactics listed here, digital marketing is taking over.

A Quick Guide on How to Build a Content Marketing Strategy for Your Business

Content marketing strategy is a process that involves planning and executing the creation, distribution, and promotion of content in order to generate leads, increase brand awareness, and ultimately grow your business.

A content marketing strategy helps you define where your company is today and where it wants to be tomorrow. It also helps you identify what content will help you achieve those goals.

It’s not about creating a bunch of blog posts or pages on your website (although these are important parts of your strategy). 

Rather, it is about understanding who your audience is and what they need from you. This information will help you determine how much time to spend on different types of content for each audience type – whether that be blog posts, social media posts, email campaigns, or video content.

Developing a Social Media Engagement Strategy for your Business with These Tips and Tricks on TweetDeck & Hootsuite

TweetDeck is a social media management tool that can help you to manage your Twitter accounts. It helps you to schedule posts, manage multiple Twitter accounts and track analytics.

Hootsuite is another social media management tool that helps you manage your social media accounts. It also helps you to schedule posts, manage multiple accounts and track analytics.

Social Media Engagement Strategy:

  • Plan your content – Keep the number of posts per day manageable and relevant to what’s trending in the market at the time
  • Use automation – Use automation tools like Hootsuite or TweetDeck to post on a regular basis without having to think about it too much!
  • Engage with your audience – Answer questions they ask, give them something in return (e.g., free downloadable e-books, coupons, etc)Provide value to your audience – Create content that is informative and/or entertaining.
  • Build relationships with your audience – Respond to comments and messages on social media, comment on other people’s posts and respond in kind.

Final thoughts

Having your own website is the holy grail of advertising. With it, you can position your brand as the expert in your industry.

To get started, you need a domain name and hosting.

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