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7 Deadly Mistakes that Entrepreneurs Make in South Africa

There is no such thing as a perfect entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is difficult and it will always be. But the right mindset can make all the difference. 

This blog post is written for entrepreneurs here in South Africa who aren’t afraid of hard work, and who are looking for guidance and encouragement on the journey to building a successful business. 

Do not let your fear paralyze you. 

Do not let your fear dictate what you do.

A founder once told me the biggest mistake he had made in the early days of his business was not putting in enough work. It is absolutely true that founders struggle to find time to focus on their actual jobs at an early stage. 

But it is important that you don’t get caught up by the fear of not working enough. 

At the beginning of your business in South Africa, it is not just about working a full day. It is about learning how to prioritize and select what things are most important. 

You need to develop new skills for your company and get comfortable with taking risks because those are essential in building successful businesses.

That said, here are some deadly mistakes you should avoid if you dream of being a successful entrepreneur in South Africa one day.

Mistake #1: Narrowing Your Perspective

Entrepreneurship is not easy. It takes a lot of time, effort, and patience to succeed. However, there are some mistakes that entrepreneurs in South Africa usually make. One of them is narrowing your perspective to a single product or service.

It is easy to get so focused on one idea that you lose sight of other opportunities. And it is not just your idea that suffers from this narrow-mindedness – your entire business does too.

This mistake can be avoided by looking at the bigger picture and having a clear view of what you want to achieve in the future so you can focus on the right things now.

Mistake #2: Not Evaluating Risk

The entrepreneur’s job is to take risks and make decisions. Not evaluating risk means that the entrepreneur does not evaluate the risk of their decision. 

This can be due to fear, lack of knowledge, or lack of experience. The dangers of not evaluating risk are that the entrepreneur will not understand the risks of their business, so they will not be able to plan for many contingencies. They may also underestimate how much time and money it is going to take to produce a product. 

The solution is to do your research on the topic, talk to people who have been in a similar situation and ask for advice, and understand that there are always risks involved with every decision you make. It is up to you as an entrepreneur to decide what level of risk you are willing to take on for each decision.

Mistake #3: Being Too Impatient

Entrepreneurship in South Africa is not for the impatient. It takes a lot of time, effort, and patience to build a successful business. 

As we’ve already mentioned, an entrepreneur is someone who takes risks in order to innovate and create something new. 

An entrepreneur is someone who has the ability to take calculated risks. If an entrepreneur is too impatient, they will not be able to make the right decisions. They will make rash decisions that may not be in their best interest and can have negative consequences on their business.

Being impatient can lead you to make mistakes that you would not normally make if you were patient. It can also lead you to lose your focus and miss out on opportunities that could have been beneficial for your business.

The solution is to have a long-term perspective on your business. Entrepreneurs who are successful are those who have patience and don’t give up too easily.

If this is going to work, you need to be willing to put in the hours, days, and months of hard work before you see any kind of success.

Mistakes that Entrepreneurs Make #4: Not Believing in Yourself

We all know that it is not easy to be an entrepreneur. It requires a lot of time and effort, but sometimes it can also take a toll on your self-confidence. 

Some people don’t believe in themselves as entrepreneurs. They think that they don’t have what it takes to be an entrepreneur. To be an entrepreneur, one needs to have the right mindset and a bit of luck too.

If you are not confident in your entrepreneurial skills, then you are not alone. There are many people who don’t believe in themselves either and they’re not even entrepreneurs! And there are many reasons for not believing in yourself as an entrepreneur.

  • You don’t have the right skills.
  • You don’t have the right resources.
  • Another reason is that you don’t have a good idea and it’s hard to come up with one.
  • Because of your past failures and what other people say to you about them.

Whatever your reason is, the key to success as an entrepreneur in South Africa is believing in yourself and what you are doing. The more you believe in yourself, the more likely you will be successful.

Mistake #5: Doing All of the Work Alone

Entrepreneurs here in South Africa often make the mistake of working alone. They believe that they can do everything themselves, but this is not a good idea. 


Because people are not perfect. 

What does this mean? ]

It means that you need people to help you with your business so that it can grow. It also means that there is no such thing as a successful entrepreneur who works alone. 

The most successful entrepreneurs in South Africa are able to hire the right people to help them. They are able to find and hire people who have the skills necessary for their company. 

In fact, hiring the right employees is one of the most important aspects of running a successful business in South Africa. 

And there are many reasons why it is important to hire the right employees, one of which is that you will be able to grow your business much more rapidly. 

Another reason is that the people who work for you can help you grow your company and make it easier for everyone to do their jobs. 

Here is an example, if you have a really good cashier but no one knows how to make the sales, then it will be much more difficult for them to do their job. This can lead to a lot of frustration, which could harm the relationship between your company and its employees. 

You need to have a team around you to help you with various aspects of your business and get things done.

Mistake #6: Ignoring Customer Feedback

As an entrepreneur, you should always be listening to your customers, because they are the ones that are going to buy your product.

When a company is starting up, it is often difficult to know what customers want. That’s why entrepreneurs need to listen carefully and watch for feedback in order to stay on the right path.

It’s important for entrepreneurs not to ignore customer feedback. Feedback can help them identify what they do well, as well as where they need improvement. It can also help them find out if their product or service is meeting customer needs and expectations.

How To Easily Collect Customer Feedback

One of the most difficult parts of any business is knowing how to get your customers’ feedback. 

When you finally do, it can be a lengthy process sorting through an email inbox full of messages. 

You may even spend hours contacting certain customers and asking them to elaborate on their feedback in more detail. 

The solution? 


Polls not only make it easy for your customers to provide you with feedback, without taking up your time, but it also makes it easy for you to analyze their responses and see which customers are most in need of your help. 

You can easily collect customer feedback using Google Forms and a Google Spreadsheet. 

To add a poll to your store, simply go to your Google Forms and click on “Create Form.” 

At the bottom of the form, you’ll see an option to create a poll. When you’re done with the form, make sure you click on “Continue and Publish.” 

This will allow you to share it with anyone who has access to Google Forms. After this, you’ll have to copy the URL and share it with your customers. 

Mistake #7: Neglecting Your Physical Health and Well Being

This is one of the most common mistakes that entrepreneurs make. They neglect their physical health and well-being, which can lead to serious consequences. 

When you are not taking care of yourself, you are more prone to illness and injuries. 

And when you’re sick or injured, it is much harder to be productive. at work. 

The question is when you’re feeling sick or injured, how do you plug into your work? 

I’ve heard of entrepreneurs trying to work from a waiting room at the hospital or from their bed at home. But that is not always possible — and even if it was, it’s not necessarily a good idea because there are so many distractions from home life. 

So what do you do? You need to take care of your health, anything else can wait.

Remember, you are of no use sick!

How To Take Care Of Your Health And Well-Being As An Entrepreneur

As the owner of a business, it’s important to take care of your mental, physical and emotional well-being. 

Here are some tips for self-care: 

  • Consider working with a therapist to improve your emotional intelligence and develop more resilience. 
  • Take care of your body by getting adequate rest, eating healthy meals, and exercising regularly. 
  • Practice mindfulness by meditating and doing yoga to clear your mind and reduce stress.


Every entrepreneur has made mistakes at some point in their career. These deadly mistakes presented here serve as a pointer to what you need to avoid to have a chance at success.

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