Last updated on July 30th, 2020 at 06:25 am
The top 10 cheapest SSL certificates in South Africa. Compare the costs for cheapest SSL certificates providers.

Table of Contents
1.Ask SSL
- Ask SSL starter certificates $3.99,
- Multi-Domain SSL $16.99/year,
- Wildcard SSL $45.99/year.
2.Truehost SSL Certificates.
Truehost has the most exhaustive list, and cheapest SSL certificates in South Africa. Prices are as follows;
- AskSSL StarterSSL $3.99
- Comodo PositiveSSL $5.00
- Comodo EssentialSSL $14.34
- AskSSL Multi-Domain SSL $20.00
- Symantec Secure Site $310.80
- Symantec Secure Site Wildcard $2010
And many more.
3.Absolute Hosting provides;
- Comodo Positive SSL $12.49/year
- Rapid SSL certificate $15.19/year.
4.ZA Domains
ZA Domains provides among the cheapest SSL Certificates in South Africa. These include:-
- Comodo PositiveSSL $12.49/year,
- Rapid SSL $13.88/year
- Rapid SSL Wildcard $149.17/year
- TrueBusinessID $110.11/year.

5.Host Africa SSL Certificates.
Host Africa are among the cheapest SSL Certificates providers in South Africa. They provide four SSL certificates which include;
- Rapid SSL $17.28/year,
- GeoTrust Quick SSL Premium at $76.29/year,
- GeoTrust True Business ID at $97.00/year and
- Rapid SSL Wild Card at $138.69/ year.
6. Web Guru provides;
- Rapid SSL Domain Validated SSL at $15.19/year
Apart from the above, Web Guru provides the following Comodo SSL Certificates as well.
- First is Comodo Wildcard SSL at $97.00/year which is popular
- Secondly they offer Comodo Multi-Domain SSL at $110.94/year and,
- Third is Comodo Extended Validation SSLat $166.94/year which is the most secure.
7.Ecotel SSL Certificates South Africa.
Ecotel Provides the following SSL Certificates.
- RapidSSL Certificates at $13.18/year
- GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium certificates at $71.46/year
- GeoTrust True BusinessID at $97.13/year
- RapidSSLWildcard Certificates at $0.78/year.

8.Smart Web Cheap SSL Certificates
Smart Web also provides some of the cheapest SSL certificates in South Africa.
- Comodo Positive SSL at $13.53/ year,
- Rapid SSL at $17.35/year
- Thawte SSL123 at $41.56/year.
Smart Web also provides Comodo SSL Certificates. These are:-
- First, Comodo Extended Validation SSL at $131.75/year,
- Second is Comodo Extended Validation SSL Multi-Domain at R $277.45/year,
- Third, Comodo Multi Domain at $41.28/year
- Last is Comodo Extended Validation SSL Multi-Domain at $277.45/year.
9.Register Domain (Cheapest GeoTrust SSL Certificates)
Register Domain sells GeoTrust SSL Certificates. These are listed below.
- The first one is GeoTrust RapidSSL $17.28year,
- Followed by GeoTrust QuickSSL Premium $69.31/year,
- Third is GeoTrust True Business Extended Validated $208.14,
- And GeoTrust Business Wild Card at $398.94/year.

10. SSL4LESS South Africa
SSL4LESS sells various SSL Certificates. These include:-
- SuperFAST SSL $4.93/year
- Rapid SSL $31.85
- Symantec Secure Site SSL $363.83
- DigiCert Wildcard Plus $518.07